Indoor air quality is now more important than ever before.

Air Quality

One of the main jobs of your air conditioner is to improve and maintain your home’s indoor air quality (IAQ), which is integral in promoting good health and quality of life. That’s why it is so very important to perform regular maintenance on your HVAC system. When an HVAC system is properly designed and subject to an adequate maintenance program, it improves indoor air quality and provides comfort for occupants. There are several ways in which an HVAC system can degrade indoor air quality: Spreading dust, bacteria, allergens or other harmful substances.



We’re so used to putting on the AC when it gets hot that we don’t even stop to think about what we’re doing. But the impact it’s having on the globe may surprise you. As the temperature rises, so does demand for air conditioning. Thus, the more we reach for the thermostat, the more we contribute to climate change.


The growing demand for air conditioning worries climate change and sustainability. All these HVAC units increase greenhouse gas emissions through increased energy use, but they also leak hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs), which are thousands of times more potent that carbon dioxide.

Eco-Friendly Air Conditioning & Reduce your Carbon Footprint

Our Mission

WeFix, as a team is committed to serve the society with a better Indoor Quality, preserve our Atmosphere through reduced carbon footprints, and, balance our Ecosystem for healthier generations to come.We have our team of skilled technicians and modern technology equipment for efficient & effective maintenance of your Air conditioning & Air Duct systems.

WHY WeFix?

WeFix is the one of the leading air conditioner servicing and management companies in Eastern India. Our emphasis towards clean and sanitized services makes one of a kind. In the present day of living standards and increasing temperatures, air conditioner is not only a luxury but eventually an object of necessity. Therefore, the need for their regular servicing is a vital factor in the hygiene and sanitization element of your room and surroundings. If left unmanaged, the air conditioners can harbour a variety of organisms such as mould, mildew, fungi, bacteria and human DNA, (skin cells), which can make you and your family sick.

Your air conditioner is the best way to beat the heat, providing wonderful cool air no matter what the temperature is outside, but unless you keep it clean and well sanitized you could be breathing in all sorts of microbial contaminants. WeFix Team offers a comprehensive air conditioning cleaning service. We specialize in cleaning service and sanitizing split systems, ceiling cassette units and even ducted. After a WeFix Team cleaning, your air is fresh and healthy; reducing sickness and helping you live a healthier life.


Our team of expert technicians are available at your service by just a call away. We not only take care of problems, but also provide an automated-like service for AC repair, fixing technical problems, managing the servicing time-to-time and air duct cleaning of every level.

When you get your air-conditioning cleaned and sanitized with WeFix Team not only will you and your family breathe healthy air again but you will also save money as the unit will run more efficiently.